

27th Mar

Mayfield visits Newnham College, Cambridge

On Monday 26th March 2018, a group of thirty Year 10 and 11 students visited Newnham College, Cambridge. The college is one of thirty-one that constitute Cambridge University which is one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centres. The aim of the day was to give an insight into student life, the experience of learning at the University as well as the application process. The day started early with the coach journey from Dagenham to Cambridge. "We arrived a little early which meant we had the opportunity to walk to see some of the sights, such as King's College Chapel and the famous punts on the river." After a welcome and introduction to the day by Sophie the students took part in a Q&A with current undergraduates of the college. The undergraduates were very well informed and engaging. Following this the students were given a tour of the college buildings including the grounds, a student room, the dining hall and the very impressive library. During the tour the students were able to ask questions about every aspect of student life. Following lunch the students had a taster lecture on the subject of the Atlantic slave trade. The lecture was fascinating and the students really valued the Q&A at the end. Finally the students were given a talk about their options now. Students were given guidance on the options to choose in Sixth Form, what sort of experiences they can be gaining and what to expect from the application process itself. The students were left with the message that they should aim to be super-curricular and to explore areas that most interest them. This is certainly a message they will be taking back to school. By the end of the day the students were enthusiastic with several declaring their intention to apply to Cambridge University.   Thank you to Miss S Bagnall for organising the trip.
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