Parent Support (Drop-in Sessions)
At Mayfield School we are not only dedicated to helping our students achieve their very best - but we would also like to offer support for the Parents and Carers by use of weekly drop-in sessions.
Slots can be booked by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.
Please note, any information that is shared by parents, families or a young person will be treated as strictly confidential unless the information provided is a Safeguarding concern, in which our Safeguarding Lead must be made aware.
The Aims of Parent Drop-in Sessions
Who is Ms M. Dawson?
Parent Drop-in Sessions will be run by Ms M. Dawson, Mayfield's Parent Support Adviser. Ms Dawson, has been working as Mayfield's Parent Support Adviser for over eight years, and has helped many children and their families through some difficult times.
Ms Dawson started her career at Mayfield by supporting students as a Learning Support Assistant. Ms Dawson then went on to become a Year Group Mentor, which kick-started her role within Parental Support and enabled Dawson to utilise her past experience within the Foster Caring community, in which she specialised with caring for teenagers.
Some of the most important aims of the Parent Drop-in Sessions is to strengthen ties between the local community and the school, as well as helping parents and carers recognise the faces to some of the key staff members at the school. Creating a bond between the students, their parents/carers and teachers is a great way to aid their success in education.
We are an inclusive school and make it a priority to include those who may be struggling with personal problems, such as language barriers, mobility issues, mental illness and isolation. The aim is to break down barriers and provide support to all parents and carers.
We also want to ensure that parents are fully aware of what is expected from their child in school. Whether there are problems with incorrect school uniform, unwanted behaviour, or incomplete homework, support and advice will be provided.
There is also a Foodbank that has been used in the past to help parents and families when times have been hard.
Below are some quotes from the Parents attending our Coffee Mornings.
"I have often felt isolated, overwhelmed, and stressed. The Coffee Mornings have been helpful to my mental health, as I’ve met other parents...and we are supportive towards each other. It is a non-judgemental environment which also helps my confidence."
- Parent 1
"The Coffee Morning is fantastic! I can share my problems and it gives me confidence. I will be coming to the Coffee Morning every week."
- Parent 2
"I like the Coffee Morning because I am getting help with the Foodbank and advice about my housing situation."
- Parent 3
Code of Conduct
Ensuring students abide by the school rules can be a difficult task at times. For the most part a gentle reminder is all that is needed, however there are some students who may be continually misbehaving and wearing inappropriate uniform. For the select few it is important that their parents are also made aware of what is and isn't accepted at Mayfield. We understand that there may be language barriers with some of our families and in these cases we will try to get a translator to help converse.
Social Media and Online Activities
"It is vital that we understand how the Internet is used by our children and how to keep them safe."
We are here to help answer queries you may have in regards to your child using the Internet for both leisure and academic purposes. We have computers available for if you do not have access to a computer at home, and we can help explain how to utilise learning tools, as well as provide assistance with form filling.
Children spend a large amount of time using social media, and we can offer advice on keeping children safe online.
Useful Information
Staff Member | Role |
Ms M. Dawson | Parent Support Adviser |
Mrs R. Magalhaes | Free School Meals |
Mrs T. Ward | Attendance Officer |
Mr M. Poston | Finance Officer (School account/Trips) |
Miss V. Mansell | Exams |
Mr D. Drewe | Facilities Manager |