External Applicants
Mayfield Sixth Form encourages all of its students to aspire to the highest levels of achievement and enables them to prepare for adult life. Our commitment is to the education of the whole individual.
We offer a broad range of qualifications and encourage each individual to choose a balanced and challenging combination of courses appropriate to their strengths, interests and ambitions. Sixth Form studies are designed to ensure exam success and help students become independent thinkers and learners – not only through their main examination courses but also through the acquisition of key skills, involvement in enrichment and extra-curricular activities plus a highly effective personal development programme. We encourage and support development of the schools three core values of Courage, Integrity and Contribution.
We aim to combine an approachable atmosphere with high expectations and outstanding standards of achievement. Through a large sixth form team, we dedicate time and effort to ensure every student has support to access the next step on their journey, whether that is university, an apprenticeship, or another destination.
Mr R. Smith
Director of Sixth Form
External Applicants Information Evenings