- Admission Arrangements for 2024-25
- Admission Arrangements for 2025-26
- Admission Arrangements for 2026-27
Mayfield Catchment Area. (Click the image below to open a more detailed map)
Apply to Start Secondary School (Year 7) for September 2024
Applications are for children with a birthday from 1st September 2012 to 31st August 2013.
Please be aware that if you live in Redbridge you must apply for a secondary school place through the local authority’s Admission Department even if the school is not in Redbridge.
If you are not a Redbridge resident you need to apply via your own local authority (even for a Redbridge school).
- Register and make your online application with the Redbridge’s online eAdmissions at redbridge.gov.uk.
- The deadline for online applications is 31st October 2023, online applications close at 11:59pm;
- Late applications made after 31st October deadline: If you have not yet applied please make your late online application with eAdmissions as soon as possible. Please note that, generally, a late application may not be dealt with until all the on-time applications have been processed.
- You will be sent an email with the results of your application during the evening of 1st March 2024 (provided you submitted your application by the deadline).
- The deadline to accept a school place is 15th March 2024.
- If you wish to appeal against the school’s decision not to offer your child a place, this should be lodged online by no later than 29th March 2024 at redbridge.gov.uk/schools/admission-appeals
Supporting Documents
If you are unable to attach your supporting documents at the time of making your eAdmissions application online, please send supporting documents for proof of residence either:-
- By post to Admissions and Awards, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NN.
- Or scan and email them to admissions@redbridge.gov.uk
In-year Application - Moving Between Secondary Schools
If you are already in Year 7 or another secondary school (through to year 11) and wish to move to Mayfield School or remain on our waiting list, please complete the local authority’s online in-year application.
Sixth Form Applications
If you are applying for our sixth form you must contact us directly to apply. If you would like to move from another sixth form to Mayfield School you should speak to your current school in the first instance to seek advice.
Your Right to Appeal
By law, if we refuse your child a place at Mayfield School, you can appeal against the decision, except where the child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools.
Please note that you can normally only appeal for the same school once in each academic year.
Does this Process Apply to Children who are Statemented or have EHC Plans?
If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an EHC (Educational, Health & Social Care) Plan, you cannot use this process.
You must appeal to the Special Needs Tribunal. Please contact the local authority’s Special Education Needs Service.
Appeals Process
Appeals are heard by an independent appeal panel of three members of the public.
The panellists appointed to decide these appeals are volunteer members of the public, some of whom may have experience in education.
When will my Appeal be Heard?
Your appeal will be heard within 40 school days of your appeal form being received.
You will receive a letter advising you of the date and time of your appeal at least 10 school days before the appeal hearing unless you have agreed to waive the 10 school days’ notice on your appeal form. You will also receive a copy of your case history together with your appeal form and the admitting authority’s case (i.e. Mayfield School).
With regard to appeals to be considered in the second and subsequent rounds, your appeal will be heard within 30 school days of your appeal form being received.
If you wish to provide any additional documents, information and/or evidence to the panel to support your case please do so at least three working days before your appeal if possible. Should you submit additional information, which the panel thinks may be significant, too close to the hearing date or on the day, the panel may need to defer your case to enable them to seek further advice/information or require further time to study the papers.
This is important because they will want to come to a fair decision based on a full understanding of all the information.
In-Year Admissions (Applications outside the normal admission times - all year groups)
Hearings will be held within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged for applications made outside the timetabled admissions process.
Sixth Form Admissions
Hearings will be held within 40 days of the appeal being lodged.
What Happens at the Hearing?
There are three steps to the appeal hearing:
- The school’s admissions representative will explain to the appeals panel why your application has been turned down.
- If the panel decides that there was a good reason for turning down your application, you will still have a chance to give your reasons for appealing against the decision.
- Your child will be awarded a place at the school if the panel finds your case to be the stronger. If not, the decision not to offer your child a place will be upheld.
The Appeal Decision
The panel will let you and the admissions representative know of their decision by post within five school days.
The panel’s decision is binding on the school.
Complaining about the Appeals Process
If you are unhappy about the way the appeals process was carried out, please contact The Local Government Ombudsman.