Starting in Year 7
The transition process from primary school to secondary school can be a scary prospect. At Mayfield School we aim to alleviate those fears in a number of ways. Firstly by having an Open Evening and an Open Morning, enabling parents and their children to have a look around the school and speak to teachers and students in the different subject areas.
We also engage with our local feeder schools and arrange taster mornings with Year 5 students, enabling them to take part in lessons and meet some of the teachers and students. There is also the opportunity for parents and their children to have a tour during the school day prior to accepting a place; this helps remove apprehension for parents for whom Mayfield School may not have been their first choice.
Once a place is accepted the parents are given an information pack and invited to attend a Personal Transition Meeting where they and their child can speak to a member of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
In early July the students who have accepted their place attend a two-day transition programme at the school where they will meet all the other students who will be joining the school in September, as well as their new form tutor. The students stay for a reduced school day and take part in a variety of lessons. This gives them the opportunity to meet different teachers, make new friends and move between different classrooms in the school, which is quite different from a day at primary school.
On the first day of the new term in September, Year 7 will start a day before the whole school and need to arrive in full school uniform. During this day they will be introduced to the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), have their picture and finger image taken, all to ensure they are prepared for their first full day at school. They will have time to find their way around the school in the form of a treasure hunt and get to know their form tutor. During the first few weeks of the new term, Year 7 students will go to lunch earlier than the rest of the school so they can get used to the lunch time procedures.
"At Mayfield School we believe that a successful transition helps to support your child as they enter secondary school and will enable them to be the best that they can be."
New Intake Parents Evening Presentation
General Transition Consent Form
Cashless Catering System - Wisepay
Uniform Guidelines September 2023
Term Dates, Timings of School Day & Absence Privacy Notice
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Timetable Walkthrough |
Quotes from our Community
"Mayfield has offered our son a very good platform to excel academically and also given him a fantastic opportunity to take part in extracurricular clubs and activities, which he has relished in." - Current Year 7 Parent |
"Thank you [Mrs. McBride] for organising yesterday's visit, the children really enjoyed it and had a lot of positive feedback about their experience." - Assistant Headteacher, Uphall Primary School |
"My child has excelled academically and emotionally during [the] last three years. He has developed confidence in public speaking, life skills such as cooking, and self-discipline." - Current Year 9 Parent |
"Everything was excellent, teachers take interest in individuals and ensure each child speaks out, which is so important in their secondary school education." - Current Year 7 Parent |
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Acceptable Use of ICT Systems (Students) Policy |