GCSE English
Welcome to the Mayfield English Revision page.
This is your one-stop shop for all things English. Here you can find the GCSE Literature and Language specification, useful resources and past papers, links to useful websites like our Teachers Talking Texts podcast and much more. We know that there is already a lot out there on the Internet that you can access but sometimes the resources that you might come across or the videos you watch may undermine some of the approaches that we're using with you in lessons.
We have thought really carefully about what resources we are providing, taking into consideration what examiners have said about student writing in their reports over the years.
Please do use the resources here before heading to YouTube or other revision websites. If you are ever unsure about whether a resource is unsuitable, please ask your English teacher or contact Miss Iqbal and Miss Kemp.
Miss Iqbal: iqbalt2@mayfieldschool.net
Miss Kemp: kemph@mayfieldschool.net
Literature 1 - Jekyll and Hyde
Literature 2 - An Inspector Calls