
English as a Second Language

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We welcome our parents and carers of our students to be actively involved in school life and will help you get involved if you are not confident in English or are new to the UK. Please contact the school if you have any questions or would like to get more involved.

Languages in Mayfield School

Mayfield School is a multilingual and multicultural school and welcomes students and their families from all over the world. 

  • At least 63% of Mayfield School students speak another language

  • Our most spoken languages other than English are Bengali, Urdu, Romanian and Panjabi. 

  • There are over 51 different languages spoken in Mayfield School. 

  • When we can, we are happy to offer bilingual meetings in the language of your choice or we can book an interpreter for you. 

We know that our students who speak other languages develop excellent problem-solving skills, mental flexibility and the capacity to multitask. Students also have the opportunity to sit a GCSE in their first language if it is available. 

For more information, please click here.

How will I know what is happening at school?

Mayfield school will communicate regularly with you. We will use different forms of communication including: 

Our school website: we will share information on our website. Check the school calendar to know important dates like holidays, teacher training (INSET) days and parents’ evenings. 

Notifications: text message, email and apps like Arbor. Wise Pay can also be used to make payments for school meals and trips 

Online systems: you can find information about homework, assessments and behaviour 

Emails and letters: tell us if you do not have access to emails 

Parents’ evenings and reports: these will let you learn more about your child’s progress 

Meetings and information evenings: schools will use meetings to share important information. e.g. choosing which subjects to study at GCSE. This can be a useful opportunity to ask questions. 

Direct communication: you can contact school by phone 020 8590 5211 or email, or arrange for a meeting with the teacher if this is appropriate

Helpful Links

The Bell Foundation:
We want you to know how best to support your children at school. The Bell Foundation offers generic support in different languages.
Go to the page below, select your language and this will link you to more information about how you can help children learn English. 

British School System:
For more information on the British Secondary School system, click on the page below, select your language and this will link you to more information on the British school system. 

Understanding the British School System

For more helpful resources for your children at Mayfield School, go to our EAL Curriculum Page

Are you interested in English Lessons?

Free Adult ESOL qualification based at Mayfield School.

Mayfield School are teaming up with MAXIMUS UK to deliver the ESOL qualifications for our parents.

ESOL Skills for Life qualifications support speakers of other languages within the UK to develop their English language skills for work, further learning, or everyday life. These qualifications are intended for anyone based in the UK needing to improve their understanding and use of written or spoken English. 

This might be to help get on at work (or get a job), prepare for further study, access public services, or just to function more effectively in an English-speaking environment. Learners can progress from Entry level 1 up to entry level 3.

If you are interested, please email or contact Rona Nicoll – for more information.

Maximus Brochure

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