
Art and Photography

Faculty Leader Ms F. Cooper-Keeble


Our Ethos

Cooper KeebleMayfield School believes that the arts can play an exciting and leading role in providing dynamic focus for the educational experience of its young people. As a department we strive to enable all of our students to understand what it means to create Art and to develop their confidence and ability to communicate their own ideas visually.

We believe that the study of Art and Design will enable our student to gain vital skills, which will help them acquire an important sense of belonging as well as building the self-confidence they need to do well and make their first steps towards higher education and employment.

Ms F. Cooper-Keeble


We are currently in the process of finalising our updated knowledge maps, knowledge organisers for students, and assessment plans. These documents will be placed here once fully completed in the next few weeks.

Subject Curriculum Map(s)

Teacher-Student Relationship

The Art, Photography and Textiles Faculty is incredibly cohesive, friendly and mutually supportive. Each member of staff hold specialisms in Fine Art, Painting, Commercial Art, Set Design, the Film Industry, Interior Design, Sculpture, Print-Making, Textiles, the Fashion Industry and Photography.

The department works within a framework of overall school policies, with their focus on teaching and learning and the effective use of assessment for learning. The department also contributes to the school’s academic tracking system, as well as using its own mechanisms to monitor student progress.

Art and Photography are highly regarded subjects at Mayfield School and are a popular choice at GCSE and A Level. Classes are of mixed ability with work that is carefully differentiated to ensure all students are supported, encouraged and developed.

Home Learning

In Key Stage 3 all Students use a sketchbook to record work, which includes class work and Home Learning. Home learning is an integral part of students’ progress and is set weekly or fortnightly with a variety of tasks that involve first-hand observational drawing as well as collecting and researching relevant information.

In Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 home learning is more frequent and students are expected to continue work independently. We advise that students should complete two hours of independent work each week. All students use sketch books and portfolios to transport work.

As a department we allow all students in all Key Stages to borrow any art equipment that they require to continue work at home. We also offer KS4 students an evening session twice a week where they have the opportunity to continue course work or complete Home Learning.

Home Learning Policy

Extra-Curricular Activities

Our art rooms are available for students to use every lunch time and, as a department, we encourage all students to use the art rooms whenever they can. We have regular sessions for Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students every Tuesday and Wednesday evening after school. These sessions last an hour and teachers are there to support. Alternatively our rooms can be used most evenings for students that require space to work independently or need to use the facilities.

Students studying Art, Photography and Textiles often go on yearly trips to Galleries both in the UK and abroad.

In partnership with local community groups, we create a culture of learning through the arts that is accessible to all students and to the wider community.


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