
Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE)

What is PSHE?

In short, PSHE education can be described as "learning to live life well". PSHE deals with real life social and economic issues affecting children and young people, their families and communities.

Why is PSHE important to young people?

PSHE education equips young people with knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives.

PSHE also encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in managing their finances effectively. It enables children and young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex, and sometimes conflicting, range of values and attitudes they will encounter both now and in the future.

How is it taught?

PSHE is taught through classroom based lessons by a variety of different teachers.

In this programme aspects of PSHE and Citizenship are taught. These topics include:

  • Careers
  • Diversity
  • Economic understanding
  • Learning styles, study skills and teamwork
  • Lifestyle
  • Sex and Relationship education

Key Stage 3

Currently all Year 7 students have two lessons a week. In this course, they cover the three key themes of Citizenship:

  1. Rights and responsibilities
  2. Diversity and democracy
  3. Government

They also look at healthy eating, how they learn and the different relationships people have in life.

Year 8 students will be studying finance, employability skills, options choices, acceptable behaviour and teenage pressures.

In Year 9 the students have one lesson a week and will be studying mental health, employability skills, drug and knife crime, finance, how to study, and relationships.


All students will have an assessment every term which will generate homework as well as the occasional piece of work to prepare them for the next lesson.

Key Stage 4

In Year 10 the students have one lesson a fortnight. They will be studying finance, alcohol and other dangers, employability skills - including CV writing and preparation for work experience - study skills, wellbeing and SRE which includes looking at consent.

In Year 11 they also have one lesson per fortnight which includes career planning, study skills, personal safety and SRE, including violence within relationships.


All students will have an assessment every term which will generate homework as well as the occasional piece of work to prepare them for the next lesson.

The PSHE course is supported and developed through a practical experience of having a mock interview with representatives from local businesses. Additionally, all Year 10 students undertake a week of work experience in the Spring term.

For more information see Careers

PSHE Learning Journeys

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