

Subject Leader Mr S. Capel


Our Ethos

Sca webWe believe that studying Media plays an exciting and crucial role in enabling our students to become successful not just in their academic studies – we offer A Level, GCSE and BTEC courses – but also both their critical abilities and their creativity.  We aim to ensure all pupils are confident, motivated and successful and consequently understand the effect media has on society, as well as uncovering their own inner passion and creativity through the art-form.

Media studies will develop our students in many positive ways and can lead to a wide range of careers including Marketing, Sales and Advertising, Broadcast Media and Performing Arts, Journalist and Publishing, and Leisure, Sport and Tourism.

Mr S. Capel

Media Studies 'The UK's second-most employable degree'

"Official figures show that behind Medicine, Media Studies is the degree most likely to land you a job."

Read the full article here.

Please click below to view our 2023 BTEC Leavers' showreel.

Showreel BTEC 2023

Subject Curriculum Map

Teacher-Student Relationship

Mayfield School’s Media department is made up of dedicated, collaborative and bold staff who are proud to be members of the Mayfield media community.  In addition to more traditional means of teaching, in Media Studies we value active learning strategies such as group planning, discussion and cooperation around practical projects. For example, student video projects can be a powerful learning experience. Research and case study work further develops independent and creative thought. These are valuable assets that students will take forward with them into higher education and the workplace. 

We are delighted to have introduced 2 separate clubs for Media.  For Years 7 to 9, we’ve joined the BBC Young Reporters scheme.  For Years 10 and above we carry out a variety of activities covering a range of media – from, making Youtube gaming videos to filming trailers.

For our subject classes, support after school is consistently given in order to maintain the very positive results that we have achieved in all our courses. Mixed ability teaching is delivered so that it caters to each student's needs and consequently enables all students to work together and learn from each other.

Home Learning

In Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 home learning is frequent and students are expected to continue work independently. Students studying a particular film genre, are encouraged to watch other films within this genre in their own time in order to support their learning.

We advise that students should complete one to two hours of independent work each week.

Students are expected to take an interest in all aspects of the media, and to apply skills of analysis that they have learnt in class to their own media use. For example, if they have studied camera work in class, they can apply these ideas to any moving image text that they watch in their own time. As a department we allow students at Key Stage 5 to borrow any equipment that they require to continue work at home.

We also offer Key Stage 4 students an evening session twice a week where they have the opportunity to continue course work or complete home learning. Key Stage 5 students should negotiate times with their teacher when they can use the school’s production facilities after school.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Rooms and equipment are available most days after school after prior arrangement with Media teachers. After school time has been timetabled for students to improve work. Students may also arrange to study quietly after school at any time.

We arrange trips for students including study days and visits to media institutions.


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