

Faculty Leader Miss J. Barling
History Subject Lead Miss G. Miller
Geography Subject Lead Miss B. Leary
R.E Subject Lead Mr S. Willis


Our Ethos

At Mayfield School the Humanities faculty comprises three different subjects; These are Geography, History and Religious Education (RE). As a faculty we believe Humanities is an incredibly important part of the curriculum, as we teach our students what it means to be Human.

Through Geography we understand the planet that we inhabit and what impact we have upon it.

Through History we unveil both the highs and lows of Human history, which enables students to understand the breakthroughs, as well as the mistakes that have resulted in shaping the present and the future for mankind.

In Religious Education we explain the many different beliefs carried through a range of Cultures throughout history, so that we can better understand the reasons behind leading a life heavily influenced by religion and encourage mankind to improve and prosper.

Miss J. Barling


We are currently in the process of finalising our updated knowledge maps, knowledge organisers for students, and assessment plans. These documents will be placed here once fully completed in the next few weeks.

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