26th NovAlumni Masterclass - Part 1
Throughout November, some of the Mayfield Alumni were on site to begin the first of many Masterclass sessions.
One of the first sessions was the Chemistry Masterclass with Amundeep Dhaliwal, who graduated from Kings College London with a degree in Chemistry and is now at Imperial College London, where he has recently started his Masters.
Year 8 heard about Amundeep’s heroic journey through his GCSEs to the success he has achieved today! The Chemistry Masterclass students looked at Metallic structures, delocalised electrons, as well as what makes up proteins.
On Wednesday 21st November 2018, Ali Uppal ran an Economics Masterclass with our Year 8s and Sixth Formers.
Ali graduated from the London School of Economics in 2012, and then went on to Yale University in New Haven Connecticut, USA for The Yale Program on Financial Stability.
Uppal then began working for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a Consulting Editor, where he contributed to the creation of a database of all financial crisis interventions by providing a UK and EU perspective.
With Ali's Year 8 session, they looked at Game Theory and also questions like - "Why don’t we just print more money?"
The Masterclasses planned for December are Physics and Maths with the following Mayfield Alumni:
Akshay Kumar Bhandari – Completing his Master’s Degree Programme at Kings College London in Physics.
Hassan Ayoub – Maths and Economics.
Reema Khanom – Maths.
Masterclasses planned for the new year – Law, Medicine, Art and Degree Apprenticeships.
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