

Redbridge Primary School Mini 3 Vs. 3 Basketball Event

Posted on: 21/03/2019

Once again, Mayfield School hosted the Mini 3 Vs. 3 Basketball Event, which took place on Wednesday, 13th March 2019.

17 primary schools from Redbridge attended the event, which was an increase from the previous year. Of the schools that attended most decided to enter both the cup and plate competition, the latter of which is more focused and inclusive towards the less experienced players. The Mayfield sports hall was literally bustling with activity, energy and enthusiasm - and that was not just the players competing.

Selected Sports Leaders and team basket players from Mayfield were in abundance on the day to assist with refereeing, coaching, scoring and taking on PR roles - i.e. meeting and greeting the teams and attending to their ongoing hydration and injury needs.

Mayfield students did a fantastic job and as ever were perfect ambassadors for the school and excellent roles models for the year 5 and 6 students that attended.

"I am truly very proud and ever grateful of our Mayfield students at these community events who promote physical activity and competition in a very positive way"




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